Pin-Up #2

This is the second shoot of a little project that I have been working on for the last year.  Every couple of months I look for new models who are willing to participate in my Pin-Up project.

We set the date for a Sunday afternoon and rendezvoused at a secret location in Highlands Ranch.  It is secret simply because nobody can know that this kind of cool photography was taking place down in the hinter-lands.  Otherwise, the entire Ranch would be up in arms and all of the husbands down there would want a similar shoot with their wives or girlfriends.  And really we don’t want any riots taking place in “The Ranch”.

In any case.  We set up Sunday afternoon and began working through a bunch of “vignettes”.  I was looking for three stories each.  Every photograph should tell a tale and give you a bit of a story.  With these shots I was looking for that old-time feel of the girl at the beach or maybe the sassy traffic cop.  But they all had to have a modern flair.  I wanted color and punch.  We ran through a bunch of old school books that I had and came up with ideas and went to town.  One of my favorite reproductions in the Keyhole shot.  We saw it in a book and had to have one like it.

That night we ended up shooting for quite a while.  We through out ideas, grabbed snacks, poured drinks and simply had a great time with some killer music. One point that can’t be over looked is a huge thanks to my hair queen, Jennifer and my make up diva Jes. Without their skills we wouldn’t have gotten nearly the killer shots we did.

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